Certified Advanced Strategic Assets & Liabilities Management (ALM)_ Including Balance Sheet Optimisation Principles (Johannesburg)
Event Date:
16 October, 2024
Event Time:
9:00 am
Event Location:
Radisson Blu Hotel Sandton
Certified Advanced Strategic Asset & Liability Management (ALM) & Balance Sheet Management Masterclass
An all-encompassing educational and developmental experience for Treasurers, Risk Managers, ALM practitioners, Investment Managers, Finance Managers & Auditors
Sound asset-liability management is crucial if banks are in future to avoid the pitfalls highlighted by the global financial crisis 2007-9. Banks failed for very basic reasons, including liquidity mismanagement, and financial product complexity. Financial innovations and a fast-changing economic environment provide opportunities to gain but can also create significant risks. Managing these risks without losing sight of getting the basics right is what good ALM is all about.
This is an advanced ALM masterclass designed to deliver most benefit to practitioners with some pre-existing practical or academic knowledge of asset-liability management. Whilst the masterclass covers the basics of ALM to remind delegates of the most important techniques applied to measure and manage interest rate risk, liquidity risk, and currency risk, its focus is on developing a deeper understanding of the many varied and sometimes complex challenges that risk managers face, in particular risk capture and hedging decisions. In addition to advanced ALM risk management concepts, the Masterclass focuses on the concept of Balance Sheet Optimisation and value creation by the Assets and Liabilities Committee of the Bank.
The Masterclass provides ample opportunity for a high level of interactive discussion, and delegates are invited to ask questions based on the course material itself, or aspects of practical risk management they face in their professional roles for which they seek clarification/advice.
Investment: R14 999 Excl VAT (Online)
Investment: R18 999 Excl VAT (Face to face)
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